Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Blockchain Future of Cryptos

Highly Valuable Investment Options -
Many believe cryptos will be more essential to society than gold
In an entirely technological society, it makes sense that we have some sort of “internet” currency.
Investors have began to flock to cryptos as it seems to be more important than physical assets in today’s investment society.
It’s debatable whether or not cryptocurrencies will overtake fiat currencies in everyday life. It’s a very touchy subject as some people swear by cash and some swear by cryptos.
Regardless, we’re going to be a large implementation into the public
Additionally, the online merchant system will start to adopt quickly to cryptocurrencies.
A huge topic being discussed in the crypto world at the moment is segregated witness.
Often referred to as segwit, this technological improvement allows for seemingly faster transactions on the blockchain network
Litecoin was initially the first crypto implement segwit.
Bitcoin followed after; once it saw the huge improvement in various aspects, Bitcoin miners were quick to push for Segwit activation.
Currently Litecoin and Bitcoin both have Segwit activation.
Segwit seems to have a slow but steady implementation.
For example, it activated August 23 or so, and didn’t see a true impact on the chain until a week or two later.
Miners and developers alike have had a slow but steady adoption to it
Price jumped in news of segwit as well.
With Segwit activation, the cryptocurrency community truly saw a huge milestone in its progress.
Parties were hosted all over the world to mark its milestone
It was a monumental event in the blockchain’s history.
It marked further progress in the already flourishing market.
Litecoin is currently the only crypto that fully enables Lightning network.
This means faster transactions
Faster confirmation times
Faster payments
The Lightning network enables incredible power for cryptos.
The first transaction completed on the lightning network was from California, USA to Russia.
The transaction was completed in less than 3 seconds.
This is revolutionary for fast global payments
Using cryptocurrencies recently you may have noticed higher transaction fees.
Don’t worry, lower fees are coming
This will ease with time with the new Segwit activation
Users have already reported having faster transactions and lower fees due to Segwit activation

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